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/ Homepage / Events / Kidz Just 'Kick It'! - Saturday Club

Kidz Just 'Kick It'! - Saturday Club


Saturday 7th July 2007

Venue: Howard Mallet Centre
Category: Sporting
One Liner: Kids Martial Arts
Price Info: £3.00
Time Info: 10am-11am

In a safe, friendly and fun environment you will learn the ancient eastern art of Muay Thai (also known as Thai Boxing).

All of our sessions are designed to build your confidence, fitness and health, as you learn self-defence with Thailands martial art.

Each and every technique within Muay Thai is effective, and was delevoped over hundreds of years to help the Thai people defend their country and homes from other attacking countries.

With your confidence, health and fitness growing everytime you train in the art of Muay Thai. It will only be a short time before you feel confident enough to deal with any problem, including bullies.

The session sizes are restricted to 16 students, open to boyz and girlz, aged 6 to 12 years. This is to ensure maximum concentration and effect to help Beat The Bullies!


(CRB Check, First Aid Certificates, CP Policy and CP & CP in Sport Certificates available for inspection)

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