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/ Homepage / Events / Yoga, Sivananda style drop in class mixed abilities

Yoga, Sivananda style drop in class mixed abilities

Wednesday 11th July 2007

Venue: Parkside Community College
Category: Sporting
One Liner: Yoga Sivananda
Price Info: £6 ea/£25 for 5
Time Info: 6.30-8pm Wednesday's

A friendly traditional Sivananda Yoga drop in yoga class for all abilities held every Wednesday. Please bring your own mat if you have one, although there are a few spares on a first come first borrow basis.
Each class includes pranayama (breathing techniques), asanas (postures and variations), a long guided relaxation.
A rounded class adaptable for all bodies.
Please call me if you have queries, restrictions or are a complete beginner.
FREE Tea chat and laughter available after class!

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