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/ Homepage / Events / Maspindzeli - The London Georgian Choir charity concert

Maspindzeli - The London Georgian Choir charity concert


Saturday 21st July 2007

Venue: Trinity College
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Georgian music
Price Info: 15 (10 Concs)
Time Info: 7.30pm

Maspindzeli, The London Georgian choir, will be singing at Trinity College Chapel in aid of the Cambridge based charity, SOS Children’s Villages. All proceeds will go to SOS Children's work in Georgia.

Tickets £15, £10 Concessions

Tickets available from SOS Children on 01223 36 55 89 or email

SOS Children is the world’s largest orphan charity. We care for children who have lost their parents through war, famine, disease, poverty and natural disasters such as the Asian tsunami and Pakistan earthquake. Over 60,000 children are receiving loving care in our SOS Children's Villages, and we are providing a further half a million with medical care, schooling, vocational training, AIDS outreach support and emergency aid.

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