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/ Homepage / Events / Ladies Indulgence Evening

Ladies Indulgence Evening

Friday 8th June 2007

Venue: Milton Primary School
Category: Fairs & Markets
One Liner: Pamper yourself!
Price Info: £5
Time Info: From 6.45pm

Ladies! (Strictly no men or children!) Please make a note in your diary for an ‘evening of indulgence’ on Friday June 8th. The evening, (being held at Milton Primary School, Humphries Way, Milton) is designed to pamper and enable you to ‘try before you buy’ and treat yourself to a variety of taster treatments. For as little as £5 for each short session, you can try a range of alternative therapies and massages.

Alternatively you can just wonder around and watch what’s going on. There will be stalls selling a wide range of products to purchase such as make-up and beauty products, books, candles and more. There will be an ‘indulgent raffle’ on the evening with many great prizes to be won as well as refreshments including hot, creamy indulgent drinks and local strawberries.

Entrance tickets, available at the door, are only £5, which will include a glass of wine or soft drink and a complimentary dessert. Doors open at 6.45pm for a 7pm start. Treatments will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Each therapist will have time slots throughout the evening, so get there early to avoid disappointment.

All proceeds raised will be going to ‘The Cygnets Milton Preschool’ and 'Camsight'

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