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Friday 1st June 2007

Venue: The Cow
Category: Clubbing & Parties
One Liner: Dance Music
Price Info: FREE
Time Info: 9pm - late

The Dissonance and BeatWax DJs are mixin up some fresh tunz tonight and will have the dance floor thumping to HARD DANCE and PROGRESSIVE HOUSE all night long.

Featuring Cube, Stalker and Scrappy Matt!


In music, DISSONANCE is the quality of sounds which seems "unstable", and has an aural "need" to "resolve" to a "stable" consonance. Although there are important physical and neurological facts important to understanding the idea of dissonance, the precise definition of dissonance is culturally conditioned — definitions of and conventions of usage related to dissonance vary greatly among different musical styles, traditions, and cultures.

Nevertheless, the basic ideas of dissonance, consonance, and resolution exist in some form in all musical traditions that have a concept of melody, harmony, or tonality.

For many musicians and composers, the essential ideas of dissonance and resolution are vitally important ones that deeply inform their musical thinking on a number of levels.

Despite the fact that words like "unpleasant" and "grating" are often used to explain the sound of dissonance, in fact all music with a harmonic or tonal basis — even music which is perceived as generally harmonious — incorporates some degree of dissonance.

The buildup and release of tension (dissonance and resolution), which can occur on every level from the subtle to the crass, is to a great degree responsible for what many listeners perceive as beauty, emotion, and expressiveness in music.

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