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Visual Literacy - the art of implicit communication

Thursday 5th July 2007

Venue: Cambridge Arts Theatre
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: image is everything
Price Info: £3/£6 nonmembers
Time Info: 7:30 pm

Visual Literacy – the art of implicit communication, will be on Thursday 5th July 2007, 7:30 pm, at the Venue Wine Bar, Cambridge Arts Theatre. Ingrid Birchell Hughes of ideagarden is a creative consultant with specialist knowledge in fundraising and not-for-profit communications. She was Creative Director for Oxfam where she worked on Make Trade Fair, Make Poverty History and launched the award winning ‘I’m In’ marketing campaign that to date has brought in 400,000 new supporters. Visual literacy is something that we all have, but we can find it hard to be conscious of and even harder to articulate. Ingrid will explain how we can use visual literacy to improve what we want to communicate and offers some useful tips about how to develop visual literacy in colleagues and clients.

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