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Sing for Life

Friday 15th June 2007

Venue: Saint Luke's Church
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: World music vocal
Price Info: £6.00/£4.00 concs.
Time Info: 8.00pm (7.30 doors)

Tickets (01223) 573288

World music, from New Zealand, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe etc., from all times, Mediaeval to contemporary, sung by 60-strong a capella choir Good Vibrations, with the percussion of Daniela McDermott. Guests include Lifecraft Singers. The evening is in aid of Lifecraft.

Good Vibrations Community Choir was set up in 2002 by Rowena Whitehead of Talking in Tune and Sue Parlby. The choir’s performances combine directness with informality and inclusivity. The nature of the music ranges from the rhythms of Africa through the beguiling melodies of Oceania to contemporary arrangements of popular songs.

Daniela McDermott’s love for drums of all kinds has seen her play at the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, many times at the Notting Hill Carnival in London and also at the Millenium Dome Opening Ceremony. She was taught by internationally acclaimed percussionists from Cuba, Brazil and Senegal amongst others.

Lifecraft, a Cambridge based mental health charity, is currently facing a reduction in its services. Lifecraft has been operating since 1993. The charity provides counselling, weekly activity groups, website, social club, evening meals, mental health handbook, campaigns work, telephone help line and employment opportunities for people with mental health needs.

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