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/ Homepage / Events / Wicken and Wilburton Proms Night

Wicken and Wilburton Proms Night

Saturday 7th July 2007

Venue: The Camping Field
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Summer Prom Concert
Price Info: £6, £4, under 16 foc
Time Info: 5.30-8.00pm

Wicken and Wilburton present Proms Night with the Cambridge Concert Orchestra. Bring your own picnic, flags, rattles etc (bring a rug or chair to sit on) and bask in the glow of a midsummer sunset as the orchestra plays some of your favourite classical, folk, jazz and film music. In aid of St Laurence's Church, Wicken (disabled access project) and St Peter's Church, Wilburton (toilet fund).

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