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/ Homepage / Events / Slavonic Reception, dinner and concert

Slavonic Reception, dinner and concert

Saturday 2nd June 2007

Venue: King's College
Category: Classical Music
One Liner: King's College Event
Price Info: 65 pounds
Time Info: June 2, 2007

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

You are cordially invited to attend the Slavonic Dinner, Reception and
Concert at King's College, University of Cambridge, UK. This event,
dedicated to Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky, will take in place in the most
magnificent venue at the University of Cambridge, the Great Hall of King's
College. It is normally closed for tourists and even for some members of
the University.

In 1893 on June 12 a remarkable event took place in Cambridge. Piotr
Illyitch Tchaikovsky gave a concert in connection with the 50th jubilee of
Cambridge University Music Society . Following the concert a grand dinner
was organised in honour of the composer at the Great Hall of King's College
(Tchaikovsky called it a banquet). Almost 114 later we are organising
another dinner to honour the Great Composer.

Date of the event: June 2, Saturday, 2007. Wine reception: will take place
at Saltmarsh Rooms, King's College, University of Cambridge at 7:15 pm. Ask
porters for directions. Places are very limited (last year event was
completely sold out).

The event web-site is here:

Error Reporting: Contact Alexfromcambridge, the publisher of this event.