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/ Homepage / Events / Bring a laptop and learn' - MS Outlook Workshop #4

Bring a laptop and learn' - MS Outlook Workshop #4

Small Spark

Monday 25th June 2007

Venue: St John's Innovation Centre
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: Data + Sharing
Price Info: £50
Time Info: 9-1

Data sharing, maintenance and back up

The fourth workshop in the Small Spark's 'Bring a laptop and learn' Outlook series focuses on giving you skills and knowledge to allow you to look after your data and share it appropriately with your colleagues.

Knowing how to use MS Outlook is useful to help you with time and contact management. Can your colleagues have access to the key company's customers data you have carefully collected? And what happens if your computer breaks?

The programme for this workshop includes:

- Backing-up data
- Restoring data
- Sharing data between computers
- Sharing data with colleagues
- Customising Outlook

For bookings and information, contact Small Spark on 01223 700919 or email us or visit

There are 3 other workshops in this series. Let us know if you would like to know more...

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