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/ Homepage / Events / Bring a laptop and learn' - MS Outlook Workshop #2

Bring a laptop and learn' - MS Outlook Workshop #2

Small Spark

Monday 11th June 2007

Venue: St John's Innovation Centre
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: End email nightmare!
Price Info: £50
Time Info: 9-1

Email management - get a hold of your time and your information!

Do you find email and Outlook frustrating? ...Then come and attend the first of the Small Spark's 'Bring a laptop and learn' series...

In the second workshop of this series, we aim to take the stress and frustration away from email management, so that you can concentrate on communication.

The programme includes:
- Etiquette
- Organising emails
- Rules
- Out-of-office auto-replies
- Automating send/receive
- Using Microsoft Word as editor
- Junk emails
- Signatures
and much more!

For more information or to book a place, contact Small Spark:
Tel: 01223 700919

There are 3 other workshops in this series. Let us know if you would like to know more...

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