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/ Homepage / Events / Arco Iris: Cambridge's Community Samba Band

Arco Iris: Cambridge's Community Samba Band

Wednesday 11th July 2007

Venue: The Bath House (Gwydir St)
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: Drumming workshop
Price Info: £2 waged/ £1 unwaged
Time Info: 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Arco Iris plays the very hottest (and loudest!) of Brazilian carnival rhythms. Our performances range from glittering carnival parades and storming club appearances to local charity events and school workshops. We play Brazilian carnival pieces such as Batucada, Samba Reggae, Maracatu and a wide variety of other styles, many written by band members.

We have a totally open membership drawn from all sections of the community. If you can count to four, can shake your thing and fancy making a big noise with the most exciting band in Cambridge, come along to our band practice!

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