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Holywell Village Fete and Well Dressing

Saturday 23rd June 2007

Venue: Holywell Village Fete
Category: Festivals
One Liner: Charity fund raising
Price Info: entrance 50 p
Time Info: June 23rd. 12 noon

Holywell – unique ring village by the Great River Ouse - to celebrate church patron with Well Dressing and Village Fete 22nd- 23rd June

Holywell 14 April 2007: The organising committee for this years combined celebration of the Church patron birthday and Village Fete is setting new standards for raising funds for the church and the community.

The village of Holywell by the Great River Ouse is a traditional Saxon ring village which has managed to keep its unique identity in the 21st. century whilst developing into a modern a thriving community. The village takes its name from the ancient spring which was originally credited with healing properties, and which can still be seen in the churchyard. Each year in June there is a well dressing to celebrate the Church Patron Festival – and this year it happens on Friday 22nd June followed by the Church Garden fete on Saturday June 23rd.
The organising committee is headed by Ms. Vibeke Ulmann and she says, ” The Village fete will take place in the grounds of “The Rectory” opposite the church. We plan on a lively day with music, pub-challenge tug of war, various competitions, stalls, BBQ, cream teas and all the trimmings of a traditional English fund raising day with lots of fun for adults and children alike”.
For those interested in history Holywell is well worth a visit. Holywell is a conservation area and many of the buildings are thatched and worthy of note so visitors to the village fete will find many things of interest to look at if they take a stroll around the “ring”.
The Church of St John the Baptist is built of stone in the early English (Norman) style. The registers date from 1667 and there is a list of Rectors from 990, including Thomas Tenison (1667-81), who later became Archbishop of Canterbury (1696 - 1716). The church has undergone extensive restoration over the past 2 years and the completion of the work, which included restoring the fabulous church organ, was celebrated at a service in January 2007.
At the other end of the 'ring' is the Ferry Boat Inn, which claims to be the oldest inn in England. The ghost of Juliet Tewsley is reputed to walk each year on March 17th, the anniversary of her suicide for love in 1050. For hundreds of years a ferry crossed the river at this point to Over and, according to Charles Kingsley, Herewrad the Wake was one famous passenger after he escaped from the Normans at Madingley.
The organising committee would welcome any donations, ideas and contributions for making this years Village Fete and Well Dressing the best ever.

For more information please contact:
Ms. Vibeke Ulmann
The Rectory
Back Lane
Holywell, St. Ives
PE27 4TQ

Phone: 01480 49 33 96
Mobile: 07717 866 194

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