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/ Homepage / Events / Strawberry Fair 2007

Strawberry Fair 2007

Saturday 2nd June 2007

Venue: Midsummer Common
Category: Festivals
One Liner: Strawberry Fair 2007
Price Info: FREE
Time Info: 12.00 - 23.00

It's FREE, it's excellent, it's Strawberry Fair

7 Music stages, a massive kids area, a parade and a circus organised by the people of Cambridge for the people of Cambridge. Come along and watch the finest acts in Cambridge perform alongside a sprinkling of larger acts at the finest event in the Cambridge calender

Please don't being any glass onto site and try to take all the rubbish you make with you (or at least put it in the bins provided), if you can lend a hand and help out in any way send an email to

Normally in these kind of things we'd give you some clues as to who might be playing but we don't want to because we want you to buy a programme.

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