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Arturo Herrera

Saturday 5th May 2007

Venue: Kettle's Yard
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: Collages, prints and sculpture by Arturo Herrera
Price Info: Free
Time Info: Tuesday-Sundays 11.30am-5pm

From Disney to Surrealism to Abstract Expressionism, Arturo Herrera's work plunders the visual languages of the 20th century - extending its exploration of the unconscious and its representation. This spring Kettle's Yard hosts one of two concurrent exhibitions of Venezuelan artist Arturo Herrera, his first in the UK (the other is at the IKON Gallery in Birmingham, 28 March-20 May). Showcasing the artist's recent work, the collages, prints and sculpture included in this exhibition centre on a series of photographs made in 2004. Herrera's language is one of disconnected fragments, isolated in photographs and combined in collages where Snow White or Jimminey Cricket might be glimpsed through a mesh of abstract marks. Ironically, his black and white photographs, while depicting the visible world, are his simplest, most abstract and enigmatic images. His collages are the most complex - hybrids of sliced and spliced images and memories, cut loose from their moorings, encrypted, and reconfigured as images of - and for - our unconscious minds at play.

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