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/ Homepage / Events / Cello and Tuba Machinations - Coffee Concerts

Cello and Tuba Machinations - Coffee Concerts

Sunday 3rd June 2007

Venue: Kettle's Yard
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: New music & coffee
Price Info: £6 (£4 concs)
Time Info: 12.00

Melvyn Poore, tuba/live electronics
Anton Lukoszevieze, cello

Poore has played in just about every situation you can imagine, from castle to canteen. His experiments with the tuba have produced the tubabassoon, a tuba played with a bassoon's mouthpiece for which he wrote the work 'Tubabassoon'. Lukoszevieze will perform Alvin Lucier’s ‘Music for cello and vases’ and one of the first works to use live recording techniques, Stockhausen's 'Solo with feedback'.

Coffee is served from 11.30am

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