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/ Homepage / Events / Cambridge Overeaters Anonymous Meeting

Cambridge Overeaters Anonymous Meeting

Thursday 17th May 2007

Venue: George Pateman Court Community Hall
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: Is food an issue 4U?
Time Info: 7:30 - 9:00

Do you eat when you are not hungry?
Do you go on binges for no apparent reason, make yourself sick or have periods of not eating?
If so - you may share our problem of compulsive overeating
We are a fellowship, based on AA's 12 steps and many of us are maintaining abstinence for the first time in years.
This group isn't about diets and calories. We do not endorse any particular plan of eating. We aim to provide group support and encouragement.
No dues, No fees, No weigh-ins,
Contact Sarah on 07740 421177 (
or Sam on 01223 834493

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