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/ Homepage / Events / Under 18 Half-term Workshops

Under 18 Half-term Workshops

Monday 24th October 2022

Venue: Alliance Française Cambridge
Category: Talks & Classes

Are you looking for something different for school holidays? Come along to our special under 18’s workshops!

Panoplie workshop: We offer a range of interactive French workshops for children from 5 to 10, with games, crafts, French pancakes and much more!

GCSE and A-level Workshops: Our secondary workshops are taught by a highly experienced French teacher with a strong knowledge of the exam and requirements. These workshops are designed to help you improve your exam skills by focusing on specific points to achieve your desired grades. You will also benefit from a multitude of tips as to approach exams with the right tools that are sure to boost your grades and make the difference on the day of your exam!

For any further details, please contact us, by e-mail at, by phone at 01223 561 854 or visit our website:

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