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Verdi's Requiem


Saturday 4th May 2019

Venue: Ely Cathedral
Category: Classical Music
Price Info: £25/£20/£15/£8
Time Info: 19:30-21:30

Ely Sinfonia and King’s Lynn Festival Chorus perform


in Ely Cathedral
on Saturday May 4th 2019
at 7.30pm


Aoife O'Connell Soprano
Freya Jacklin Mezzo-soprano
Michael Solomon Williams Tenor
Laurence Williams Bass

Ely Sinfonia
King’s Lynn Festival Chorus

Steve Bingham Conductor

Almost all of Verdi’s most performed works are operas. But one, his Requiem, is probably performed almost more than any of his other compositions. Yet he almost didn’t write it. “There are so many, many masses for the dead. It would be pointless to add one more”, he said to a friend.

But then Rossini died and Verdi reversed his decision and collaborated with eleven other Italian composers to produce a joint Requiem. His particular contribution was the Libera Me, which three years later he used as the basis for his Requiem for Alessandro Manzoni, an author and great Italian patriot who shared many of Verdi’s political ideals.

Tonight, Ely Sinfonia joins forces with King’s Lynn Festival Chorus to perform Verdi’s religious masterpiece, which is one of the best-loved requiems ever written. And what could be a finer setting for it than Ely Cathedral?
Tickets cost £25/£20/£15 (reserved) or £8 (unreserved). Concessions are £15 in £20 seats. They are available now from Ely Cathedral Box Office, Tel 01353 660349, Email or online from

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