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/ Homepage / Events / October Children's half-term Workshops

October Children's half-term Workshops

Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Venue: Wysing Arts Centre
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: Family Workshops
Price Info: See event descriptio
Time Info: 10.30 - 12.30

Join us over the October half term for a series of workshops inspired by our new exhibition Warm Worlds and Otherwise. Discover new technology, worlds and characters as you explore the exhibition and site, working alongside Wysing Studio artists and Circuit Conductors artists.
Booking essential.The workshops are suitable for 6-12 yr olds, and cost £8.50 per child per workshop or £21 for 3 workshops. You are welcome to attend one, two or all three workshops. Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult, adults are encouraged to join in.

This event is part of the Big Draw, the world’s biggest drawing festival.

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