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/ Homepage / Events / A-level, IB and GCSE Half-Term Intensive Preparation

A-level, IB and GCSE Half-Term Intensive Preparation

Monday 9th April 2018

Venue: Alliance Française de Cambridge
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: French workshop
Price Info: £180 for 3 days

We are holding GCSE and A-Level/IB Intensive preparation classes during half-term. These classes are designed to help you improve your skills by focusing on specific points that will make the difference on the day of your exam.

These small-group classes will give you extra support in preparing for your exam, through focusing on strategies and providing extra practice with role-plays, picture stimuli, general conversation, applied grammar, translation into French and general writing skills.

Date: 9th to 11th April 2018

Price: £180 for 3 days

Time: 12.00pm to 3pm at l’Alliance Française Cambridge – Bring your lunch!

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