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/ Homepage / Events / Martin Roscoe plays Gershwin’s Piano Concerto

Martin Roscoe plays Gershwin’s Piano Concerto


Saturday 22nd October 2016

Venue: Ely Cathedral
Category: Classical Music
One Liner: Music from the USA
Price Info: £24/18/12/7.50
Time Info: 19:30-21:30

Martin Roscoe is one of the UK’s best loved pianists. With a distinguished career spanning more than four decades, his enduring popularity and the respect in which he is universally held are built on a deeply thoughtful musicianship and an easy rapport with audiences and fellow musicians.

Tonight he joins Ely Sinfonia in an all-American programme that includes Leonard Bernstein's Overture to Candide, George Gershwin's Piano Concerto in F and Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring and Quiet City.

George Gershwin is probably most popularly known for pieces such as An American in Paris and Rhapsody in Blue. But his Piano Concerto in F is a real masterpiece and, an accomplished pianist, he played the solo himself at the first performance in 1933. It combines classical concerto with a plethora of new ideas influenced by jazz, then at its height.

The other pieces on tonight’s programme are also American: Leonard Bernstein’s popular Overture to Candide, and Aaron Copland’s Appalachian Spring and Quiet City. These are among the most frequently performed works by 20th century American composers – and for good reason!

Tickets cost £24, £18 or £12 (reserved), or £7.50 (unreserved). Concessions cost £12 in the £18 seats.

All tickets are available from Ely Cathedral Box Office tel 01353 660349, email or online from

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