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Moving towards a Circular Economy

Thursday 20th October 2016

Venue: St Paul's Centre, St Paul's Church
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: Climate workshop
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 7.30pm - 9.30pm

There is a growing movement working towards a circular economy, that makes maximum use of stuff through sharing, reuse and repair of things that we want and need in our lives. This workshop explores how you can transform your life, both individually and as part of a community, to address the challenges of climate change.

The linear economy, characterised by our “buy it – use it – trash it” approach to goods is unsustainable. A growing movement working towards a circular economy is gaining momentum and Cambridge is at the vanguard of this change through Circular Cambridge, a festival that celebrates progressive ways to design, manufacture, access, repair and reuse the things that we want and need in our lives.

This workshop gives you the opportunity to explore how you can transform your life and reduce your carbon footprint. We will explore what a circular economy is and how it can help meet some of the challenges posed by climate change. We will then focus on how you can make changes in your lifestyle, both individually and as part of a community, and explore how to overcome difficulties in addressing this vital topic.

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