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/ Homepage / Events / Flower Power Yarnbomb: Rhapsody in Bloom

Flower Power Yarnbomb: Rhapsody in Bloom

Crocheted Rhapsody

Wednesday 1st June 2016

Venue: The Sheep Shop
Category: Direct Action
One Liner: Yarnbomb Cambridge
Price Info: Free
Time Info: Any

Together we'll jazz up Cambridge with some public art with a difference: a spectacular flower display. Imagine hundreds, nay thousands of knitted and crocheted Rhapsody clematis flowers together, in shades of purple and blue. The display will help raise awareness and funds for Cambridge Rape Crisis.

Liz Marley and Emma Field have designed the patterns and to make them you'll need some DK or aran yarn in shades of bright purple/deep blue and some yellow for a flower, or deep green for a leaf, with a hook or needles a size or two smaller than you'd usually use. One in five women experience sexual violence in their lifetime and to represent this we're aiming for one in five flowers to be blue rather than purple.

The deadline to send your flowers to The Sheep Shop is the end of August.

Get the free patterns and information about meet-ups on our website. Feel free to organise your own meet-ups - the more the merrier!

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