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Music For Geeks


Saturday 9th April 2016

Venue: Centre For Computing History
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Keep it Retro!
Price Info: £10 Advance/£12 Door
Time Info: 7pm till 12am


An evening of live electronic music inspired by both old and new technologies. We’ve got four very talented musicians playing a range of electronic music from chiptunes performed on original retro video game hardware to ambient electronic played using the very latest synths, laptops and tablets.

There will also be plenty of opportunity for some retro gaming between acts and feel free to bring along your own drinks and nibbles.


".mpegasus is rather partial to beeps. His sound is drawn from the 8-bit era of home computers like the Spectrum and C64, mixed with heavy bass and crunchy drums to leave each track existing in a temporal limbo between the past and the future. It sounds weird, is what I’m getting at. Melody reigns supreme here, but more than ever you might find the ground a bit wobbly underfoot."

Jellica Jake

Jellica is an electronic musician based in Cambridge, England, who uses an old grey Nintendo Game Boy and a Commodore 64 to create wobbly techno and electro. He has a number of
free MP3 releases available on netlabels like,,, and"


“Alone is retro games consoles filtered through digital delays and drum machines. Layered with guitars, some distortion and sometimes even a few words. Alone paints a post-something slice of hazy danceable sounds pulled from late night memories of virtual

Crème Douche

“Crème Douche bypasses pedals, amps, and even laptops, pushing the modern guitar envelope into a world of pure iPad apps. His gorgeous soundscapes are all guitar generated initially, but are morphed by the latest iOS technology into luscious orchestral sounding opuses. As to the provocative name: it just means shower gel.” - Guitar Moderne

Spaces for this exciting gaming night are limited, so booking is required to ensure your place, although if you're lucky you *may* get in on the night. (tickets on the door will be £2 extra)
Due to the fact that this is BYOB and the adult nature of some games this is an over 18s event.

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