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The Uncanny Valley

Wednesday 30th September 2015

Venue: Wysing Arts Centre
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: A group exhibition
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 12-5pm daily

27 September to 8 November
Launch: 26 Sept, 6-8pm

A group exhibition exploring the phenomenon of “the uncanny valley” through computer generated imagery, computer game design, video, photography and sculpture.

The Uncanny Valley is a phrase that was coined by robotics professor Masahiro Mori as a way to describe an emotional response that can be measured when encountering objects that are hyper-real; where there is a moment of intellectual uncertainty about what is being viewed that gives way to a feeling of discomfort or disorientation. More recently the term has been applied to computer game design and CGI in the film industry.

This group exhibition aims to explore the phenomenon, alongside contributing to the discourse around screen based and digital works, by exploring the aesthetics of the uncanny through computer generated imagery, computer game design, video, photography and kinetic sculpture.

The majority of the artists selected for the exhibition have an already existing relationship to Wysing through having participated in residencies, retreats, exhibitions and, in the case of musician Holly Herndon, the annual festival of experimental music.

Wysing hosts an ongoing series of talks by artists, and leading academics and scientists based at the University of Cambridge, and some of these discussions have helped to shape the exhibition.

The Uncanny Valley includes existing works and new commissions by Julia Crabtree and William Evans, Benedict Drew, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Holly Herndon, Joey Holder, Sophie Jung, Lawrence Lek, Rachel Maclean and Katja Novitskova.

The exhibition is supported with funding from Arts Council England and the Henry Moore Foundation and is curated by Wysing's Director, Donna Lynas

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