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Bitmap Brothers Vs Sensible Software


Saturday 15th August 2015

Venue: Centre For Computing History
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: Keep it Retro!
Price Info: £7 Advance / £9 Door
Time Info: 6pm till late

This is a very special one off event. Jon Hare, founder of Sensible Software, and Mike Montgomery, founder of Bitmap Brothers, will be talking about their careers and the games they created. Bitmap Brothers and Sensible Software were two of biggest video game companies in the UK during the 80s and 90s and were responsible for titles such as Sensible Soccer, Speedball 2, Gods and Cannon Fodder.

The talk is being hosted by Mike James aka UK Mike from Retrogaming Roundup. You’ll get the chance to vote for your favourite Sensible Software and Bitmap Brothers games, ask questions and play the games on the original consoles and computers they were released on back in the day.

Feel free to bring your own drinks and nibbles, we’ll be open late for those that want to stick around after the talk to play some video games.

6pm till Late

Spaces for this exclusive event are limited, so booking is required to ensure your place, although if you're lucky you *may* get in on the day.


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