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A Concert of Songs from Kurdistan

Wednesday 27th May 2015

Venue: Little St. Mary's
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Suna Alan in concert
Price Info: £10 / £5 concessions
Time Info: 7.30

Dear All,


You are invited to join us at a rather special concert that I am organising
with singer Suna Alan and the Raye Ensemble on Wednesday 27 May.

It will be at LITTLE ST MARY'S CHURCH in Cambridge (next to Peterhouse).

Starting time 7.30pm.

Tickets £10 / Concessions £5

Last month I travelled to Kurdistan. At SOAS, where I am based, there is a
small plan for 2016 - a plan to help in establishing a MUSICAL ACADEMY in
the town of Kobane on the Turkish-Syrian border, where there was such an
epic battle against ISIS at the end of last year. We hope to be able to take
musicians and singers to Kobane in March 2016 for the Newroz new year

This concert will be part of the building process towards that project. All
rather important. I really hope that you will be able to join us. It is also part
of our Kurdish Songbook project @ SOAS, which is collecting and archivising
Kurdish song, through performance, sound-recording, video recording, and
online posting.

Here is a clip of Suna with the Ensemble.

Here are some of our other Songbook recordings:
The title of our concert is SONGS FROM THE MOUNTAINS.

The programme will include an interesting variety of songs, many of them
songs of the struggles of the past 30 years. If all goes well, there will
also be Kurdish dance.

You can book tickets by sending an e-mail to

This article gives a little of the background to what we are doing:

With best regards,


Error Reporting: Contact Ed Emery, the publisher of this event.