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/ Homepage / Events / LASH / PARK DUO + DARK TETCHY GNU


Sunday 3rd May 2015

Venue: Robinson College
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Free Improv Duos
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 7.00-9.00

Sunday 3rd May, 7 for 7.30pm
Robinson College Music Room, Cambridge


Dominic Lash (double-bass) and Han-Earl Park (electric guitar) are making this stop as part of their UK tour. Dark Tetchy Gnu are Martin Hackett (analogue synth) and David Grundy (electronics). The two duos will play sets, and there will also be collaborations between different combinations from among the four musicians.


Han-Earl Park funded the improvisational space Stet Lab in Cork, and has collaborated with numerous musicians, including Wadada Leo Smith, Evan Parker, Pauline Oliveros and Richard Barrett.

Dominic Lash is one of the UK’s most prolific improvisers across many sorts of music, as well as a fine composer. His work spans fields from jazz to the music of the Wandelweiser Group.

Martin Hackett is a member of the French improvising orchestra La Pieuvre, and a core member of Oxford Improvisers.

D.G. wrote this text.


DIRECTIONS TO ROBINSON COLLEGE MUSIC ROOM: The music room is at the far end of the college, to the right once you come in from the front entrance; follow along to the right, climb the large set of stairs just past the bar, and the music room is through the big set of brown wooden doors at the far end of the raised courtyard.


Error Reporting: Contact David_Grundy, the publisher of this event.