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/ Homepage / Events / Panoramic views of Cambridge - from tower

Panoramic views of Cambridge - from tower

Monday 4th May 2015

Venue: Great St Mary's Church
Category: History & Heritage
One Liner: Magnificent views
Price Info: £3.90
Time Info: 10:00-17:00

See the panoramic views of Cambridge and the colleges from the tower at Great St Mary's, Cambridge, visit the gift shop, do brass rubbings too!

New opening times 10.00 - 17.00 each weekday and 12.30 - 17.00 on Sundays.

Adults £3.90; concessions £3.30; children £2.50; families £11; group rates for 10 people or more £3.20 a head (flat rate)

This beautiful church has a rich history and heritage and unique features. It has played a significant role in the history of the University and City of Cambridge over 800 years. Great St, Mary's Church was the first home of the University for 200 hundred years from 1209. Here lectures were given, degrees conferred and celebrations held. Many monarchs are associated with the Church and Queen Elizabeth I visited in 1564.

There has been bell-ringing since 1516 and the 'Cambridge Quarters' inspired the 'Westminster chimes' of Big Ben which ring out worldwide today.

The Church played a leading role in the Reformation.

The Church has fine stone tracery by John Wastell, master mason for King's College Chapel, 2 organs, a 17th century font, oak beams with carved bosses donated by Henry VII and the datum point from with the first English milestones were measured in 1732.

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