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Arsenal Double Club

Saturday 23rd May 2015

Venue: St Faith's School
Category: Sporting
One Liner: Sports/Languages
Price Info: £11.50
Time Info: 11:00-12:30

Arsenal Double Club at St Faith’s

Arsenal in the Community
Education through Football

We would like to share with you the exciting news that with the support of Arsenal in the Community and the Education Office of the Spanish Embassy, the Arsenal Double Club is coming to Cambridge!

The Arsenal Double Club is a well-established and highly successful means of combining language-learning with football skills, using dedicated multi-media resources on a football theme. The language we will be offering at St Faith’s is Spanish.

Arsenal Double Club sessions will take place on Saturday mornings at St Faith’s School from 11:00-12:30. Each session will consist of a game of two halves, including:

o 40 minutes in the classroom, led by our Spanish teaching team
o 10-minute break (with snack)
o 40 minutes on the football field, led by a qualified and experienced native-speaker coach

There is no requirement to have any prior knowledge of Spanish, but children must have a willingness to learn. Successful completion of the course as assessed by Arsenal Double Club will bring a very special reward: an invitation to participate in a bespoke visit to the Emirates Stadium in London.

The Arsenal Double Club will run for seven weeks this term, on the following dates: 18th, 25th April, 2nd, 9th 16th May, 6th and 13th June. Sessions will go ahead irrespective of the weather. The cost of a term’s participation is £11.50, to be paid on first registration. Participating children will be supervised at all times by St Faith’s staff.

In the first instance this invitation is open to Years 5 and 6 boys and girls only. Any children who are interested in joining should go to as soon as possible.

“In one half, pupils develop their language skills in the classroom, working with specially designed, Arsenal-themed workbooks, interactive PowerPoint activities and videos featuring the international stars of the Arsenal squad speaking in their own native languages. In the other half, pupils move to the football pitch, where they hone not only their skills on and off the ball, but also the vocabulary and phrases they have learnt in the classroom in a series of coaching activities from the Arsenal training manual.

Participating schools have the option to bring their students to Emirates Stadium, home of Arsenal Football Club, for a tour with a multilingual member of the Arsenal in the Community staff. Here, pupils are encouraged to practice their language skills while they visit areas such as the Directors’ Box, media rooms and the Arsenal changing rooms, and to go pitch side to see the famous turf from the manager’s perspective.”

(From the Arsenal Double Club website)

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