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Spring Half Term Family Workshops


Thursday 19th February 2015

Venue: Wysing Arts Centre
Category: Children & Family
One Liner: Come and explore
Price Info: Please see below
Time Info: 1030 - 1230

Spring Half Term Family Workshops - The Multiverse
17th, 18th, 19th February 2015, 10.30am-12.30pm
This half-term come and explore space and time, different dimensions and other worlds. Join artist Maria Teresa Ortoleva to experiment and test out art materials, build exciting spy sculptures, draw with bubbles and light, and make up stories about the world we know and the worlds we don’t.

Tuesday 17th February 10.30am – 12.30pm Workshop 1: Time, Tubes, Lenses and Light
Working with Maria Teresa we will devise, design and make special sculptures for looking at everything around us and imagining objects and realities in other worlds. Using our ‘spy’ sculptures we will look closely at objects nearby and make drawings of them with light, layers and lenses.
Wednesday 18th February 10.30am – 12.30pm Workshop 2: Bubbles, Black Holes, and String
Today Maria Teresa will help us get playful with ideas from science –using bubbles, string and holes we will create a large installation of drawings in our studio space. We will develop an artwork that helps us think other universes that we can, as yet, only imagine.

Thursday 19th February 10.30am – 12.30pm Workshop 3: Brains, (Mem)Branes and Many Worlds
By collaborating with Maria Teresa we will imagine new life forms, new words and languages that might travel through the multiverse. We will draw our ideas and turn them into stories and text art, using ink and string.
There will also be an opportunity to see how artist Maria Teresa makes her own artworks with drawing, photography light, layers and projections.

Places are limited, booking essential
Cost: £8 per child per workshop, all three workshops £20 per child
Suitable for all ages, children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Parents and guardians are welcome and encouraged to join in the activities.

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