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/ Homepage / Events / Amazing: Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo. Set to rip up the stage Tonihgt!

Amazing: Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo. Set to rip up the stage Tonihgt!

Friday 16th January 2015

Venue: Cambourne Village College
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Can you believe it?
Price Info: 12.00
Time Info: Doors 7.30pm

A critically acclaimed guitar duo is set to visit to Cambourne for a musical spectacular.

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This is a seated cafe style event the college has a late bar too.Easy parking,
A great sound system .
with all this in place. why don't you just come on over and check it out.

Expect quality from these two top players. this is a family friendly venue so bring one bring all.


Purchase tickets in advance or too rsvp give us a call.
and have a good night out.

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