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STRAY@The Plough

STRAY@The Plough

Thursday 29th January 2015

Venue: Upper Gallery,The Plough
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: cambridge artists
Price Info: free
Time Info: Pub open hours

Stray: Deanna Tyson Alison Litherland, Sue Law Mohammed Djazami John McGill Judy Logan Catherine Cleary Rosemary Catling Golnar Malek Nicola Powys Stephanie Reichelt

Stray is a loose affiliation of artists working in a variety of media and disciplines, ranging from painting and drawing, sculpture and printmaking to photography film and installation.

Stray was formed with the aims of providing a platform for artists to meet and discuss ideas and to bring their work to as wide an audience as possible, by staging exhibitions in both traditional and more unusual venues, both in Cambridge and across the UK.

Stray have been given a base at The Plough in Shepreth, Cambridge. This is their inaugural show at this new contemporary art venue.

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