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/ Homepage / Events / The Officer’s Ward (La Chambre des Officiers) screening based on Marc Dugain’s novel and directe

The Officer’s Ward (La Chambre des Officiers) screening based on Marc Dugain’s novel and directe

Friday 16th January 2015

Venue: Trinity College, Winstanley Lecture Theatre
Category: Film
Price Info: FREE event
Time Info: 6pm

Synopsis :

In the officers’ ward of a hospital in Paris, three young men and a woman meet in the early days of the First World War. Each of them has suffered horrific injuries to the face: Adrien, the narrator, Penanster, a Breton aristocrat, Weil, a Jewish aviator, and Marguerite, a nurse, one of the few women in the hospital. The friendship that the four form sustains them through the months and years that follow. When the war ends they are released from hospital, to adapt as best they can to life outside.

Screening organised by the French society of Trinity College and supported by the Alliance Française Cambridge and the Institut Français au Royaume-Uni.

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