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/ Homepage / Events / Professor Valerie Gibson and Edwina Dunn in conversation

Professor Valerie Gibson and Edwina Dunn in conversation

 Professor Val Gibson

Thursday 13th November 2014

Venue: Lucy Cavendish College
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: Conversation
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 6-7pm

Edwina Dunn, Chair of "Your Life" and Honorary Fellow at Lucy Cavendish College in conversation with Professor Valerie Gibson Professor of High Energy Physics, University of Cambridge.

The Your Life campaign, led by business and entrepreneurs, aims to increase the number of female students studying STEM subjects by 50% over the next three years and Edwina will explain more about the campaign.

Professor Val Gibson works on the Large Hadron Collider Beauty experiment one of the most exciting experiments happening in the world today! Prof Gibson will talk about her own career, how she got involved in the LHC project and will explain what the Beauty experiment is all about.

These events are free of charge and available to the general public. Book early to avoid disappointment.

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