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/ Homepage / Events / WOW - Women of the World Cambridge

WOW - Women of the World Cambridge


Sunday 26th October 2014

Venue: Cambridge Junction
Category: Festivals
Price Info: Tickets £3-£10
Time Info: 10:30am - 8:30pm

Join us at the Cambridge Junction for a packed day of events that celebrate the achievements of women and girls.
WOW - Women of the World is coming to Cambridge as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2014 for a one day festival of events exploring a wide variety of topics that are significant to women today. Issues such as women’s wellbeing in the workplace, the gendered marketing of toys, and the presentation of women in the media will be investigated through a series of debates, workshops, talks, and other exciting events. WOW Cambridge also includes a marketplace, speed-mentoring, and many more activities for all ages.
Stay into the evening for an upbeat, cabaret-style celebration of local women with something to say and their performing talents. Expect a selection of spoken word, comedy, dance, burlesque and more.
To find out more, visit
To find out more about the Festival of Ideas, visit
Book your tickets for the event now at
Day pass: £5, £3 concession; Evening show: £8, £6 concession; Full show (Day pass + Evening show): £10, £8 concession

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