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/ Homepage / Events / Writing for a modern world: a talk by Alexander McCall Smith

Writing for a modern world: a talk by Alexander McCall Smith


Tuesday 28th October 2014

Venue: Divinity School, St John’s College
Category: Talks & Classes
Price Info: Free, pre-book
Time Info: 6:00pm-7:30pm

Alexander McCall Smith, one of the world's most prolific and best-loved authors, discusses the art of combining traditional publishing formats with contemporary writing. From serial novels printed in daily chunks on the pages and websites of our newspapers to a re-imagining of the work of Jane Austen for a 21st century audience, this promises to be an hour of great entertainment. Join him as he reveals his version of Emma for the very first time and shares the latest news from Botswana, Edinburgh, Ireland and further afield.

This event is taking place as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2014.

Pre-book online at or by calling 01223 766766. Booking opens 22 September.

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