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Economics: a user's guide


Monday 27th October 2014

Venue: Mill Lane Lecture Room
Category: Talks & Classes
Price Info: Free, pre-book
Time Info: 5:30pm-6:30pm

Ha-Joon Chang talks about his latest book Economics: A User's Guide, which questions the idea that economics is a science and addresses the failures in economics thinking that he says led to our current predicament. Ha-Joon Chang teaches economics at Cambridge University. His book 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism was a number one bestseller and was called by the Observer "a witty and timely debunking of some of the biggest myths surrounding the global economy". He is a popular columnist at the Guardian, and a vocal critic of the failures of our economic system.

This event is taking place as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2014.

Pre-book online at or by calling 01223 766766. Booking opens 22 September.

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