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/ Homepage / Events / Sir Hermann Bondi lecture: life on the edge - the coming of age of quantum biology

Sir Hermann Bondi lecture: life on the edge - the coming of age of quantum biology


Tuesday 21st October 2014

Venue: Lady Mitchell Hall, Sidgwick Site
Category: Talks & Classes
Price Info: Free, pre-book
Time Info: 6:30pm-7:30pm

This event is taking place as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2014.

What is the link between the way plants make use of sunlight, the migration of the European robin, our sense of smell, and mutations in DNA? Jim Al-Khalili believes the exciting new field of quantum biology may provide the answers. He is one of a growing number of scientists using quantum mechanics to describe the workings of the wet, warm biological world. This lecture is a heady mix of the weirdness of quantum mechanics and its still speculative applications in biology - all based on his forthcoming book out early next year. Presented by the Cambridge Humanist Group.

Pre-book online at or by calling 01223 766766. Booking opens 22 September.

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