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Cambridge Shorts: premiere event


Monday 20th October 2014

Venue: Arts Picturehouse
Category: Film
Price Info: Free, pre-book
Time Info: 5:00pm-6:00pm

This event is taking place as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2014.

Join us for the premiere of the first edition of Cambridge Shorts: a series of short films showcasing exiting new research from the University of Cambridge. From Alexander the Great to DNA origami and dementia, illuminated manuscripts and pure mathematics, these films will be followed by discussions with the researchers and filmmakers.

Cambridge Shorts is a film project run by the University of Cambridge which gives researchers at an early stage of their career the opportunity to work with professional film makers to make films about their research that are creative, accessible and engaging.

Pre-book online at or by calling 0871 9025720.

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