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/ Homepage / Events / Raphael and Elizabeth Wallfisch play Brahms

Raphael and Elizabeth Wallfisch play Brahms

Saturday 18th October 2014

Venue: Ely Cathedral
Category: Classical Music
One Liner: A rare opportunity
Price Info: £7, £10, £16, £20
Time Info: 19.30 to 22.00

International artists, cellist Raphael Wallfisch and his wife, violinist Elizabeth Wallfisch, will make a rare appearance together to play Brahms’ Double Concerto in Ely Cathedral on Saturday 18th October 2014.

The Wallfisches are both well known throughout the world as soloists in their own right, but it is rare for them to appear together. At this once-in-a-lifetime event, they will be joining Ely Sinfonia to perform Brahms’ last major orchestral work, the Double Concerto in A for violin, ‘cello and orchestra, in the magnificent surroundings of Ely Cathedral.

Brahms’ Double Concerto is a truly romantic piece of music, echoing the era of the baroque concerto grosso with its disconcerting fusion of sternness and delicacy. Complementing this inspiring piece are two equally delightful works: the highly evocative Vltava from Smetana’s Má Vlast cycle and Dvorak’s Symphony no 8, possibly the greatest of his nine symphonies.

Tickets start at just £7 (unreserved) and rise to £20 (premium), and are available from Ely Cathedral Box Office (Tel 01353 660349, email and online from

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