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Art Language Location


Sunday 26th October 2014

Venue: Waterstones
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: 50 artists 19 days
Price Info: free
Time Info: 9am - 7pm daily

Art Language Location (ALL) is an art festival taking place over two and a half weeks in October 2014 in locations throughout Cambridge, featuring 50 innovative and experimental contemporary artists from across the UK and beyond who use text in their work.
Each artist must find an appropriate venue for their work: the resulting the intervention creates a conversation between artist, artwork and location. This extended exhibition aims to punctuate the city with a series of visually exciting and unexpected encounters. Maps of the trail can be found at the ALL hub and shop on the top floor of Waterstones bookshop which will also have exhibitions, including Shelf Life an exhibition of small works made for the bookshelves, and interactive events .
There is a Day of Performance on the University Sidgwick site on October 25 in association with Cambridge University Festival of Ideas.
Visit the website for news and regular updates.

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