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/ Homepage / Events / * Martial Arts Uniting Ladies *

* Martial Arts Uniting Ladies *


Friday 27th June 2014

Venue: Queen Edith Primary School
Category: Sporting
One Liner: Women's Tae Kwon Do
Price Info: Free trial
Time Info: 7.30

Women! Ever wanted to roundhouse some sleazy guy in the face like Xena, fly through the air and kick a knight off a horse, or break pieces of wood with your bare fists? OF COURSE YOU HAVE.

Never tried any martial arts before? Neither had most of our current students before MAUL.

Worried you are not fit enough, strong enough, or worried about the combative element? We are martial artists of all body types and fitness levels who work in a safe, mutually supportive space with a focus on empowering and uniting us as women. You work at your own pace and goals, taking into consideration how your own body works.

MAUL is also the best value for money sports club in Cambridge, run by volunteers on a not-for-profit-basis, with a commitment to making sure no one who wants to train is excluded because of cost. 8 MAUL Classes per month is £20, 4 Classes is £12, and uniforms can be paid for in instalments. Your first session is free.

Sessions run on Tuesday evenings, 7.30 and Fridays at 6.30 at Queen Edith school. Please note that the class will not run at school on Fridays over the summer holidays but, weather permitting, will run at a local park instead.

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