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Mega Ran + the British IBM + MC iPod


Saturday 6th September 2014

Venue: Centre For Computing History
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Retro Geek Music
Price Info: £8 Advance/£10 Door
Time Info: 7pm till 12:00

An evening of live music all the way from the USA with the ONLY rapper to be licensed by CAPCOM!

A former teacher and freestyle battle champ, Ran's sharp and witty lyricism, cutting edge retro-styled beats and super positive outlook have resulted in unbelievable accomplishments since trading the chalk for the microphone. Ran now travels the globe delivering encouraging tales and face melting performances.

7pm till Late
Bring your own booze. (Over 18s only)


the British IBM (

Retro indie geeks that take the ramshackle charm of Guided By Voices at their most melodic and adding a boyish enthusiasm that tips its hat to both Weezer and Matthew Sweet.

MC iPod (

White-boy electro-rapper. MC iPod has played gigs alongside an incredible array of bands and artists including Peter Doherty, Dan Le Sac, Sonic Boom Six, MC Lars, Bomb the Music Industry, The Menzingers, Astpai, Kunt and the Gang, The Luchagors (featuring WWE diva Amy “Lita” Dumas), Abdoujaparov (featuring Fruitbag from Carter USM), and many, many more.

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