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/ Homepage / Events / National College for Teaching and Leadership: Train to Teach Roadshow

National College for Teaching and Leadership: Train to Teach Roadshow

Tuesday 24th June 2014

Venue: De Vere University Arms Hotel
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: Get into teaching
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 5.00pm-8.00pm

Designed to provide you with a wealth of information on pursuing a career in teaching and how to apply for training in your region.

To help you get the most out of the event, we strongly encourage you to attend a presentation when you first arrive. These 45-minute sessions run once every hour, providing general guidance on the routes into teaching and invaluable information on writing a great application.

After attending a presentation, you can find out more by:

- Speaking to our teaching experts at the National College for Teaching and Leadership stand; they can give you one-to-one advice on your training options.
- Attending our application form clinic for personalised advice from one of our experts; ensure you register for a time slot when you arrive.
- Meeting initial teacher training (ITT) providers from your region, who can tell you about the courses they offer and their entry requirements.
- Meeting School Direct schools within your region, who can tell you more about the places they have on the School Direct Training Programme.
- Meeting with professional associations to hear how they support subject teaching in schools and to get more information about the scholarships on offer.
- Talking to current teachers in the 'Meet the Teachers' area.

Sign up here:

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