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Delivery by Design: Stamps in Antarctica

Tuesday 19th August 2014

Venue: The Polar Museum
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: Philately/Antarctica
Price Info: Free admission
Time Info: 10.00-16.00

Delivery by design: Stamps in Antarctica
12 June - 6 September 2014

Antarctic stamps are more than payment for postage, historic items or artwork to be collected; they are statements that an area is claimed by a nation as part of its territory. These stamps highlight Antarctic flora and fauna, and commemorate many of the British expeditions that have undertaken Antarctic exploration and science. This exhibition explores the history of stamps from the British Antarctic Territory, drawing from the Scott Polar Research Institute's archives and highlights the recent gift of stamps, printing proofs and original artworks made by Crown Agents to the Scott Polar Research Institute with the kind assistance of the Polar Regions Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

For more information please visit

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