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A Perfect Summer's Day

Saturday 21st June 2014

Venue: Newnham Scout and Guide Centre
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: Skillshare afternoon
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 12:00-16:30

What makes a perfect summer’s day? Is it sitting in the sun with friends eating jam-drenched scones and drinking lemonade? Is it going for a leisurely bike ride through the English countryside? Is it hitting the beach to enjoy the sun and surf?
This Midsummer’s Day Cambridge Carbon Footprint, Transition Cambridge and Greeniversity are hosting an afternoon of skillshare and repair workshops – and delicious food. It’s all about learning new skills so you can set about both creating and mending those things that’ll prepare you for your Perfect Summer’s Day in Cambridge.
The venue is a spacious wooden cabin set in lovely grounds right on the edge of Sheep’s Green and Granchester Meadows. If the weather is nice we hope to head out for a bike ride sometime during the day to enjoy the very best of a British summer afternoon.
A flavour of the workshops we will have on offer: bike maintenance; fixing electronics (radios, mobiles); making eco-friendly lotions, potions and suncreams; foraging; making jams; jewellery repair and many more!

Bookings will open soon. Save the date and please let your friends and family know about the day. The event is FREE!

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