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/ Homepage / Events / Futurecamp: The Way We Act Now: Psychology and Behaviour in the Digital Age

Futurecamp: The Way We Act Now: Psychology and Behaviour in the Digital Age

Saturday 14th June 2014

Venue: Wysing Arts Centre
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: Talks/Workshops
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 12:00-18:00

Futurecamp is Wysing's first residency and intrinsic events programme during 2014. During Futurecamp we will be exploring what the future might hold, from five specific positions. A series of fortnightly events will address elements of the way we live now and how these might evolve and affect the future and will comprise talks, discussion, screenings, performances and workshops.

The Way We Act Now: Psychology and Behaviour in the Digital Age:
Behaviour and human interactions have been radically affected and changed by the impact of the digital and Internet revolutions – causing dramatic changes that we are still living through. The pleasure of our networked lives is played out publicly via social networks of image and text, and the immediate access to information and entertainment this enables is now considered essential. However, the anxiety caused by living in this network of constant communication mean many of us work all hours of the day via smart phones and tablets. Alongside this, our emotions are now instrumentalised via technology and the virtual world and we experience relationships and emotions through a screen.

14, 28 June, 12, 26 July, 9 August. Full details about the Futurecamp events programme can be found at

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