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Communicating Powerfully

Tuesday 27th May 2014

Venue: Friends Meeting House
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: Public Speaking
Price Info: free
Time Info: 19:00-21:30

Public speaking continually appears in the Top 10 most feared life experiences.

If you feel that you would love to become a more confident public speaker in your work, community or personal life then evening is for you! Cambridge Carbon Footprint is delighted to be teaming up with the non-profit organisation Toastmasters International, a highly regarded leader in communication and leadership development. The local branch Cambridge City Communicators is made up of local people from all walks of life and includes a variety of members, from experienced speakers to those new to the thrills of public speaking.

Over the course of the evening participants will pick up skills and techniques that’ll help them feel more confident the next time they need to speak to a crowd, do a presentation or an interview. The Toastmasters ensure all learning takes place in a very supportive and friendly environment. All are welcome. You can come as an individual or as a representative of a community group or organisation.

The event is free, but there are only 20 spaces available. To secure a place please book ASAP by emailing or by calling 01223 301842.

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